Woodbury was settled in 1672-73 by a group of seventeen individuals from Stratford, Connecticut, who were searching for a plantation in the Pomperaug River area. Today, the population has grown to 9,470, with 6,368 registered voters. Woodbury is governed by the purest form of democracy – the Town Meeting – where any tax-paying resident may be heard and can influence the direction of town affairs. Day-to-day activities are managed by a First Selectman and a three-member Board of Selectman.
Woodbury’s greatest assets are a) its rural and scenic character with rolling hills, many rivers and streams, and historic buildings; b) the Pomperaug River aquifer, which lies beneath most of the town and provides clean water to its residents; and c) its many volunteers who serve the town in numerous capacities, saving many tax dollars and bringing pride and dignity to our community.
Town meetings are conducted at least twice each year. On the third Monday of each May, Woodbury voters meet to review and comment on the town budget and approve it for a referendum. On the third Monday of each November, we meet to receive the Annual Report from the Board of Selectmen, our executive branch. Special town meetings may be held as needed when called by the Board of Selectmen or petitioned by residents.
Much of the town’s business is conducted by volunteer boards and commissions, either elected or appointed, the members of which are proposed by the political parties. Both the General Statutes of Connecticut and the Woodbury Town Charter include provisions to ensure minority party representation in these civic bodies. Informed participation by concerned citizens is critical to the continuing effectiveness of these boards and commissions. All board and commission meetings are open to the public. Dates, times, places, and minutes are posted in the town clerk’s office and are usually available on the town website.
Click here for a “Guide to Service on Woodbury Boards, Commissions, and Committees (2013)”
Woodbury is part of the Region 14 school district.
The Superintendent of Region 14 is Dr. Brian Murphy. Click here for a list of the current members of the Region 14 Board of Education.